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Position your workforce for success

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Transform your organization's culture with an integrated well-being strategy

BerryDunn partners with organizations to create work environments where business success and personal growth coexist, and where people are confident knowing their workplace positively contributes to their physical, mental, financial, and social well-being. We take a detailed approach to well-being, considering the whole person and the work environment to design well-being programs that are inclusive, equitable, and integrated into the way people work.

Many organizations recognize the importance of a well-being strategy, but few feel prepared to address this need

Our well-being consulting team works with you to develop and implement strategic well-being plans aligned with organizational culture and business goals.

Attract and retain talent

Gain recognition as an employer of choice for people at all stages of their lives and careers.

Improve business performance

Invest in employee well-being and see your organization benefit financially.

Manage burnout risk

Recognize the early signs of burnout and establish pathways for employees to get back on track.

Provide an exceptional employee experience

Cultivate an environment where employees feel supported to be the best version of themselves.

Manage employee healthcare expenditures

Empower employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Our well-being consulting team can help you build a culture where employees thrive, whether working on-site, hybrid, or remotely. We know that each employer has unique well-being needs, and we work with you to identify what’s best for your workforce.

Well-being strategic plans

Organizations that embrace well-being as a business strategy will see returns in productivity, customer loyalty, retention, and profitability. Our well-being consulting team can conduct a series of planning workshops, develop your objectives and vision, and design a strategic plan that improves employee satisfaction and engagement.

Well-being assessments

Today’s employees want growth and challenges, but not at the cost of their well-being. We provide well-being assessments that identify gaps, strengths, and opportunities for strengthening the well-being of your workforce.

Well-being program planning

Establish a clear strategy for promoting well-being among your employees. We work with clients to develop well-being programs, as well as to build well-being into other organizational projects and change initiatives.

How mature is your organization's well-being program?

Understanding the maturity level of your organization’s well-being program can help you benchmark, assess progress, and gain leadership support by showing a clear path to improvement. Our maturity model can help you assess where you are now. 

Download the maturity model

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