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Gain innovationManaging payment evolution

Emphasizing the “value” in value-based payments

U.S. healthcare is moving away from fee-for-service-based payment models, an evolution driven by industry stakeholders, policymakers, and government regulators intent on stabilizing spiraling costs. These key players employ a range of options—from simple bundling of services to complex arrangements, where providers bear the financial risks of both managing care and maintaining quality—designed to allocate incentives and control costs.

BerryDunn offers healthcare organizations the integrated expertise in economics, finance, data management, and quality measurement they need to create successful value-based payment (VBP) innovation.

We advise insurance, government, and provider organizations, including evolving accountable care organizations (ACOs), on designing new approaches to paying for healthcare and meeting the related financial and operational challenges. We offer:

  • Economic analysis of the incentives and constraints operating in new payment systems and their effect on stakeholders and the healthcare system as a whole
  • Analysis of risk arrangements and reimbursement systems
  • Design of measures and reports essential for monitoring the quality of care under VBP systems
  • Analysis of the impact of bundling payments
  • Patient attribution for ACOs or other risk-bearing entities, using claim history
  • Assistance with population-based (capitated) medical expense budgets
  • Assistance with provider service rate negotiation and contracting
  • Data infrastructure and performance reporting to support VBP innovation

To learn more, please contact our value-based payment services team

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  • Lisa Kennedy
    Principal and Consulting Actuary
    Healthcare, Insurers
    T 207.523.8656

BerryDunn experts and consultants