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ERP assessment for a public research university


Colorado School of Mines (Mines) engaged BerryDunn to conduct an objective Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) assessment to better understand the current state and analyze gaps for its student, human resources, and financial information systems. The ERP assessment also reviewed the ERP vendor market and comparative costs of potential systems.

Mines had ERP options to consider that ranged from re-implementing the current ERP to fundamentally changing the way that enterprise administrative services are delivered. 


BerryDunn’s higher ed consulting team conducted web-based surveys, an information request, fact-finding meetings, and research. The team:

  • Conducted ERP market research and costs analysis
  • Developed an assessment report which identified opportunities for improving business processes and addressing gaps in stakeholders’ needs
  • Identified the overall readiness for change


The final report identified opportunities to:

  • Create cross-functional groups to support ERP committee
  • Implement change management strategies across campus
  • Adequately fund and staff through-out project lifecycle
  • Improve technical and functional processes

BerryDunn’s higher ed consulting team provided actionable steps to prepare the IT environment, business areas, and leadership with efforts to transform their ERP environment.

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Benefits gained

  • Independent, objective assessment with actionable outcomes
  • Holistic view and understanding of readiness for change
  • Concise steps to prepare the IT environment, business areas, and leadership with efforts to transform their ERP environment
Benefits gained
Learn more about the benefits of BerryDunn's approach to ERP consulting